Tag Archives: Fr Mansel

We Jumped!


More pictures will follow soon, but for now, a great big thank you to all who have been so kind and generous in their support!

The weather was fantastic, the views were stunning, hanging out of a plane puts your heart in your mouth, and flying through the sky for the Jubilee Appeal is worth it! A short film has been made of the occasion and will be sent to Fr Liam in the next 8 days. Once it’s arrived in the parish there will be a showing after the Sunday Masses!

The height was 12,000ft.

The top speed was about 130mph.

The free-fall time was about a minute.

The controlled parachute descent was for about five minutes, from 7000ft!

Jump Update

Jump Sponsor forms have now been sent out across the diocese – that’s about 51 separate churches. Keep watching this space as electronic sponsorship will soon be going live too! Fr Mansel and Fr Liam will jump from 12,000 feet – about 2.3miles – and will fall back to the earth at speeds approaching 120mph; The free-fall will take almost a minute….aghhhhh Scary stuff!